Wednesday, January 21, 2009

it's called Kaula Rock

Weather the last 5 days has been awesome for flying and acquiring imagery. Flew west to Kaula Rock today. For those who don't know of it, this is a Bird Sanctuary 22 miles WSW of Niihau. Some history... 108 acres of Ceded Lands. December 13, 1924, per Govenor's Exective Order 173, Kaula was set aside for the U.S. Lighthouse Reservation for a Lighthouse Station to be under the management and control of the Dept. of Commerce. In 1952 the U.S. Coast Guard (successor to the Lighthouse Service) granted a revocable permit to the Dept. of the Navy to use Kaula as an aerial bombing target (live ammunition)... problem is, the permit has never been revoked. Typical huh? Take the land under a specific use and management arrangement, then flip it over to the Navy and bomb the crap out of it for 56 years. In 1978 the State of Hawaii tried canceling Exective Order 173 for good reason... for over 26 years it had ceased being used as a Lighthouse Station. In an 'Opinion on Title to the Island of Kaula' dated July 27, 1978 and submitted by Legal Counsel for the Dept. of the Navy... the position taken was, "that the island is owned by the United States and that transfer of jurisdiction, control, accountability and custody of Kaula Island to the Dept. of the Navy by the U.S. Coast Guard was proper and in conformance with United States law." How about we grant the Dept. of the Navy a irrevocable permit to use Dick Cheney's house instead? >Peter

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