Gracias Benson for starting this up. As some of you know my wife and I are missionaries here in Yucatan, Mexico building houses for the poor for the past 4 years. Not gonna take up the space detailing our ministry, Yucatan Helping Hands, here on this blog, but you can email me at ahinabk@comcast.net if you are interested. Will give some interesting stuff going on this year. We have our first Hawaii work group coming this July, a team from New Hope Church (Farrington), building a new house for a family in a small town called Ticul. They are one of 5 teams coming this year. The locals here in Merida and in the pueblos are so excited to receive them as people here have a very romantic image of our islands. We brought our first doctor team here this past January, the vision team of 6 gave 650 exams and free glasses in 5 different villages (see attached photo, Inez front right). Our son Kawika just turned 3 and is very funny as he splits his English with Spanish and mixes some Hawaiian and Mayan words here and there "mama, ayudame, wipe my okole". Our daughter, Malia, graduated last December with a child psychology degree from Western Washington U and is now working in her field in Seattle. Some funny idiosyncracies here in Yucatan: I've had to learn how not to drive in my lane as it rattles the heck out of the other drivers that don't. I got a bunch of waiters cracking up when I asked for the "sanitario para los cabayos". I meant to ask for the men's (caballero) restroom and instead asked for the horse's restroom. Trying to learn more hulas over the internet as "The Boy from Lapahoehoe" hula I've probably done over a hundred times here is getting old. Funny how I had to move to Mexico to learn Howaiian culture, didn't have the time while busy in school doing pushups with the drill team. Anyways, nice having this blog to keep up with what you all are doing. Blessings all. Byron.
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