Monday, March 23, 2009

Some Class Happenings

Heard from Ginny Kauka Wright that Mona Soberano Morris lost her husband on March 13th. Funeral services were today, they had five children.......saw Chris Dawe Opiopio at the airport on Friday, now working for Mokulele Airlines, she looked great as always.....Meri-Bea Lake McGarry is now living in the Bay area and loving it....Gary Okada has been in Kona for the last two months working.....Joe Ahuna has been selected as the scoutmaster for the Hawaii contingent to the 100 year anniversary National Jamboree in July 2010......Michael "John" Barretto is fixing up his daughters place and playing music with the Michael Barretto Band........include Liane Sing and Lisa Porter Kleissner in your prayers, both battling some serious health issues......Laureen Kim made her television debut at Song Contest last Friday night, giving major award of the evening.....Harry Anderson is getting ready to leave the hospital after having a second surgery to amputate more of his leg....Barbara Lau Orrell needs someone to take over the culinary arts program at Nanakuli High School, email her at Akana's daughter Haunani, will be representing Hawaii at the Olympic Air Rifle and Small Bore Rifle competition in Colorado Springs this summer.

Don't forget our class birthday party on May 1st and the tribute film to George Kanalu Young on April 2nd at the UH Art School.

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