Thursday, February 12, 2009

Harry is still Harry

My wife Virginia I went to visit Harry last night and was surprised to see Peggy Dapitan (Aukake's wife) at the nurse's station. Harry was dozing since it was almost 8 p.m., but once I roused him from his morphine-induced fog, he was the same Harry I remember riding the Windward bus with me in 1968. He was as witty and quirky as he's always been. At one point, when his daughter called, he described our mini-reunion, "yeah, we still the same people, except I no mo leg and Benny no mo hair." Classic Harry Anderson.

As Harry told me the story of what happened to his leg, Virginia (an ICU nurse) explained the medical terminology to me, it was chilling because it could have happened to any of us. Harry has diabetes which creates a condition called peripheral vascular disease, which is poor circulation that turns the skin into a leather-like texture. Just the rubbing of his sock on his leg created a venous stasis ulcer, which opened a small wound. This wound became chronic and wouldn't heal and he had to have IV antibiotics and be under the care of a physician. Beneath the wound, he was developing pseudomonas, a bacteria found in long term chronic wounds and is very difficult to fight. After a 9 month battle, when the swelling and pain made it evident that the infection could spread into his blood stream and eventually kill him, the decision was made to amputate. Virginia tells me that this is very common among diabetics and an important reason to stay on top of blood sugar monitoring, proper diet and exercise. Harry did everything he could to take care of the wound once he got it, but carrying some extra pounds, not having much activity and being diabetic set him up for this scenario long before the ulcer showed up.

For the last 23 years, Harry has managed the psych ward at OCCC (Oahu Community Correctional Center). He hopes to go back to work at some point. He has a daughter, Gloria and a son, Joshua. If you would like to send him a card, his mailing address for the next two weeks will be:

Harry Anderson
c/o Castle Medical Center
Room 326
640 Ulukahiki Street
Kailua, HI 96734

When I asked Harry if he had any message for his classmates, he said, "Whatever your needs, Jesus leads." Well said, Harry.

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