Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Charlie Dickson Art Show

I wanted to let Charlie's Kamehameha School classmates know of an art exhibit he's participating in. Charlie has 4 new large acrylic art pieces showing at the Maoli Arts Month exhibit of Hawaiian artists at Louis Pohl Gallery downtown through 5/24/08. His new art pieces are different than anything he's done before and the exhibit is worth seeing. Dona Hanaike indicated that you're managing the KS ''72 class list. I'd appreciate it if you could forward the attached invitation to your classmates.

The invitation lists the remaining dates/times when the Pohl Gallery and other art galleries downtown will be open in the evening and the artists will be there. I know Charlie would enjoy seeing classmates if they are able to come by on First Friday 5/2/08 or Third Thursday 5/15/08. Pohl Gallery is located at the corner of Nu`uanu and Hotel Streets downtown where the police substation used to be, a few doors makai of Indigo Restaurant.

First Friday is usually crowded and the best parking then is at Kukui Plaza, entrance on Kukui Street behind Pali Long's.

Mahalo and a hui hou,

Haunani Burns Dickson

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