Sunday, August 24, 2008

Relay for Life Picture Gallery

One of the most touching parts of the evening was the Luminara, where memorials to those who have been lost to cancer where placed around the entire football field.
Team Captain, John Leong walked over 10 miles, along with Roland Harvest and fellow HFD retiree, Peter Gonsalves.

The Medina's showed up in full force. My sister-in-law, Elizabeth Medina (a two-time cancer survivor), my brother Nixon, their grand-daughter Ariana, my mother, Katherine Medina (one of the oldest registered walkers at age 85) and myself.

Healani Waiau was on hand support her daughter's class (2004), who a small (4), but spirited bunch of walkers.

Mike Kapuniai joined us from Maui, Roland Harvest knocked out some serious miles on the track and Cheryl and Roland Ariola came to honor Roland's father, who passed away from cancer.
Barbara Lau Orell, Karynne Morgan, Stacy Panui and Liane Sing take a break before logging some miles at the Relay.

Co-chairman Debbie Lau Okamura pauses with cancer survivor and classmate Bo Aki and his wife a few minutes before the start of the Relay.

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