One of our most talented classmates, Moses Kaina, passed away on July 19th of complications from kidney and liver disease. He had just celebrated his 58th birthday on July 2nd. He leaves behind several children and grandchildren.
Moses spent many years as the bass player and musical arranger for Loyal Garner as well as recording with many other entertainers including Henry Kapono. He was also an entrepreneur, having businesses in trucking, Christmas trees and restaurants in Hawaii, Washington and Oregon. But his health problems limited his activities and confined him to a nursing home for the last six years.
Moses was a gifted singer and musician even as a young prep school student. Our classmate, Dorothy Anders Burns remembered Moses in an email today:
"I was so sorry to hear of Moki's passing.
He was the only person I know of that went straight into Concert Glee from Prep School.
I can hear him singing ,"Purple Raindrops" at a party after one of our concerts on Mainland Tour in 1970 as clear as if it were yesterday. What a voice. What a loss."
He was the only person I know of that went straight into Concert Glee from Prep School.
I can hear him singing ,"Purple Raindrops" at a party after one of our concerts on Mainland Tour in 1970 as clear as if it were yesterday. What a voice. What a loss."